Chronic Cough And Shortness Of Breath Are Signs Of Copd

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Submitted by: Livia Tiba

If you have chronic cough and persistent shortness of breath even on slightest of exertions, then this could be an early warning indicator of the onset of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD as it is known. COPD is a life-threatening, progressive disease for which there are no known cures. Most people tend to ignore cough, mucus expulsion in the mornings and shortness of breath, putting these down to age or lack of exercise. However, ignoring such early signs could lead to extensive irreversible damage later. Other symptoms of COPD include wheezing and a feeling of not being able to take in sufficient air.

Coughing and shortness of breath may also be symptoms of other conditions and diagnostics are relief upon to determine whether they are related to COPD or not. A spirometry test and chest X-rays among other tests usually determine COPD. Dyspnea or shortness of breath leads to hyperventilation and buildup of carbon dioxide in the blood, causing further constriction of airways, damage and degeneration of tissues. There is a feeling of pressure in the chest and tiredness in this condition.

Treatments vary according to severity and condition of those complaining of these symptoms. Avoiding polluted air, making dietary changes, appropriate lifestyle changes, exercises and inhalers along with oxygen therapy help relief symptoms to some extent. Pulmonary rehabilitation therapy does bring relief and helps those with COPD to lead near normal lives but in extreme cases surgery may be indicated to remove affected portions of the lung.


Remediation measures include:

Changes to diet patients should avoid sugars and all carbohydrate foods that increase blood glucose levels, opting for high fiber diet instead.

Herbal remedies like use of ginger, turmeric, lemon, black pepper and green chillies that are anti-oxidants, detoxifying agents and helpful in removing mucus as well as reducing inflammation.

Exercise and breathing practices, which includes consciously taking deep breaths, expelling all air and then taking in air again in a rhythmic, slow cycle.

Avoid allergens, food and airborne. You could install air filters in your room and avoid places with high levels of air pollution.

Use salt therapy a safe, trusted and effective remedy with no side effects.

Salt therapy can be implemented in different ways. One is to gargle with warm salt water three or four times a day to get salt into air passages. Another method is to spend time in salt caverns where the air is rich in micro salt particles that get into your air passages. These two may not be quite practical for everyone. A modern device that uses ultrasonics to micronized salt in salt solution and disperses it into the air is practical, affordable and can provide you salt laden air at all times. Salt particles under 5 microns are suspended in the air you breathe and reach the smallest alveoli keeping them free of blockages and improving their oxygen absorption capabilities. Salt is a known anti-bacterial. Importantly, it reduces inflammation and clears up blockages in the tiniest of air passages. It helps you breathe easily and avoid symptoms of shortness of breath, a precursor to risky COPD.

About the Author: This article is written by Livia Tiba, educated and motivated person, having a multicultural background with extensive knowledge in salt therapy, home halotherapy devices and homoeopathy. Classical homeopath using Hahnemann advanced methods of homoeopathy. Phone: +1 / 519-641-7258


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